Bruker AVL300
Free access 8h/19h for level 1 accreditated persons.
Only automation mode is available for the analyses. Analyses lasting less than 10 minutes are done as soon as possible, longer ones at night.
Bruker AV300
Free access to level 2 accreditated persons to from 8:00 to 19:00, analyses can be performed at night on demand.
Time slots last 10 min, but you can ask us for longer time slots.
Jeol ECZ400
Analyses on demand, free access available possible with an level 3 additional training. Possibility of analysis by appointment, with or without assistance, method adjustment, collaborations.
Bruker AV500
Analysis on demand, free access available possible with an level 3 additional training. Possibility of analysis by appointment, with or without assistance. Method adjustment, collaborations for structural studies implementation of new sequences are also available on this equipment.

a little more ...
The CCRMN puts at your disposal :
- A computer is equipped with processing softwares, softwares for spectrum interpretation. (MNova), simulation softwares (ACDLabs), or softwares for DOSY treatment (Dynamic Center de Bruker.
- A small chemistry lab for sample preparation and analysis immediately afterwards is also available on site.
- Training sessions about spectra acquisition and processing can be appointed on demand. Contact us!