The CCRMN has been engaged in a quality approach June 2018, the date of the first satisfaction survey. A small team “quality” composed of 3 staff members of the CCRMN, Thierry Billard, its president, and 3 users representatives has been created. We decided to divide the activity in 4 quality processus : management, analysis performing, training, and support. We now have a complete quality management system, compliant with the ISO 9001:2015 standard.
We will meet about 2 times a year to reflect together, and collect the needs and opinions of users. The regular presence of CCRMN users and quality specialists is essential our the success. If you want to join us do not hesitate to contact us.
You will find below a summary of our work in the form of a mind map , click on the +, -, and the numbers at the end of the blocks to fold / unfold the branches (english version coming… )
We hope to be certified next year.