the specialist corner

Here you will find the essential brukerNMR encyclopedia.

There some pulse program directories. The ones from Biological Magnetic Resonance Data Bank, from Calsberg NMR laboratory,  from Ad Bax, from NMR oriented-solvent Laboratory in Orsay

Calculate the coupling constants Karplus R.Tenutz-generalized equation and with hiscoupling constants calculator which uses bond angles.

We also recommand Françoise Sauriol's tutorial for linear prediction in MNova for linear prediction, very usefull to remove background signal in 11B, 14N, 29Si spectra.

Here, you will learn more about the shiming process.

Many practical informations about various subjects on Topspin pour les nuls :

  • video tutorial [ Lire la suite ]

" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Glenn Facey's blog, NMR facility manager at Ottawa University.